Moor End Lane update: 12 July 2024

Information for residents

Ground collapse at Moorend Houses, Silkstone Common

 Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

Progress this week

We made good progress this week and can confirm the following:

  • We met with your appointed engineer on 11 July to discuss the plans for the mine shaft, as requested.
  • We successfully fitted monitoring equipment to properties on 10 July, as agreed with residents.
  • Following a request, we are providing the temporary works design with this update. This shows our plans to secure the area around the mine shaft to safeguard the surrounding land and properties from any movement while the work is being completed.

Next week

  • Work will start on the car park on 16 July. This should take no more than a week to complete. Working hours fall between 8am and 6pm. There is likely to be some noise and disruption, although we will keep these to a minimum, particularly before 9am and after 5pm. If you do have any concerns at any time, please let us know.
  • The access road survey and drainage survey are also planned for this week.
  • The remaining 4 pre-condition property surveys will be completed on 15 July, as agreed with residents. We will complete a further survey once the works are complete.
  • We will carry out the first survey on the monitoring equipment fitted to properties which will consist of an external inspection that will take no longer than an hour. We will confirm the date via your nominated representative.

Works to the mine shaft

Depending on the outcome of residents’ discussions with the appointed engineer, we are still aiming to start the works to the mine shaft before the end of July.

Once we start the works on the mine shaft, a representative from the Coal Authority will be available on site one evening a week to speak to residents about any concerns or issues, and to confirm things are progressing as planned. We will provide dates and times in our weekly update once the works begin.

In the meantime, we will continue to speak to residents individually about their circumstances and concerns, as well as via the represented contact.

Next update:

We will provide a further update on Friday 19 July.

Key contacts:

If you have any questions, please call our customer services team on 0345 762 6848 or 01623 637000 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or email us at

To report an emergency at any time, please call: 0800 288 4242 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

For more information about the Coal Authority, please visit

Contact us

Please contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss. The reference number for this project is P-046483.

Customer Services Team

If you have any questions about our work please call our customer services team on 0345 762 6848 or 01623 637 000 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or email us at

To report an emergency, please contact: 0800 288 4242 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) For more information about the Coal Authority, please visit


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