Permit fees for 2025

Our permit application fees will be changing from 1 April 2025. 

Permit applicants can continue to apply to make changes to an active permit, allowing for multiple activities such as mine entry and treatment under a single permit and get a reward where their operations have been independently audited and they are complying with our permit conditions. We have now also made it easier to make changes and allow unrecorded mining features to be added onto a permit.

The changes to our permit prices are reflected in our new pricing structure. This price change will enable us to continue to deliver a high quality service. We are committed to restricting our costs as far as possible and are not permitted to make any profit from our permit fees. As we will retain our offer of 5% discount to Permit Holders who adopt best practice and comply with our permit conditions, applicants who meet the criteria for a discount will see a modest decrease in permit application fees.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to our team, please call us on 01623 637450 or email us at

2025 permit fees

Permitting charges based upon: Min. Charge: Max. Charge: Charges per unit:
3.1 – Area of application. Any number of shafts and adits are included within the fee. £162 £4,050 (for over and above 2.5 hectares) £162 per 0.1 hectare (1000m2)
3.2 – Number of boreholes – for initial investigation purposes only £162 £4,050 £81 per borehole
3.3 – The number of mine entries to be investigated when not included in the area charge £162 £4,050 £162 per shaft or adit investigation
3.4 – The number of mine entries to be treated when not included in the area charge £162 £4,050 £162 per shaft or adit investigation
3.5 – Application including mine entry and treatment Aggregate fees for each mine entry and treatment £4,212 Aggregate fees for each shaft or adit to be investigated and/or treated
3.6 – Administration fee for minor changes and adding investigation for unrecorded mining features £72 £72 N/A
3.7 – Significant variation to a permit Charged for the cost of additional new activity. If on an area basis, charged at a rate of 60% of original permit or cost of additional activity, whichever is lower Charged for cost of additional new activity. If on an area basis, charged at a rate of 60% of original permit or cost of additional activity, whichever is lower. Where maximum fee was paid, only administrative charge will apply Charged for the cost of additional new activity. If on an area basis, charged at a rate of 60% of original permit or cost of additional activity, whichever is lower
3.8 – Fee for application for permit time extension £162 £162 N/A
3.9 – Application for Water Resources Consents relating to capital flood risk projects Charged for at same rate as standard permit applications specified in 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 above Charged for at same rate as standard permit applications specified in 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 above Charged for at same rate as standard permit applications specified in 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 above
3.10 – Submission of closure information required as part of enforcement notices will be charged at 11/2 times the rate for a standard application for similar activities.
3.11 – 5% discount on application fees for Permit Applicants who:
  • have been compliant with their previous permits, with no concerns raised by the Mining Remediation Authority;
  • have no outstanding closure reports from previously issued permits
  • have not conducted any activity on our Permitting non-compliance policy
  • are using a contractor whose operations have been audited by an independent mining engineer within 15 months prior to permit application. Applicants claiming discount must provide proof of independent mining engineer’s audit.
3.12 – Charge for time and materials costs based on current Mining Remediation Authority charge-out rates for pre-applications, project work and any additional time spent on an application that we are minded to refuse because of inadequate information, after repeated requests for additional information.

These fee rates reflect the costs of the services that the Permissions Team provides, in line with the principles in Managing Public Money May 2023 ( document. The Permissions Team is committed to restricting its costs as far as possible and is not permitted to make any profit from its fees.