Pre-application Advice Service (PAS)

Technical challenges can arise where development land coincides with the Coal Authority’s Development High Risk Areas. In these locations early identifications and consideration of mining legacy issues can be the difference between success or a stalled project. Our Pre-application Advice Service (PAS) helps unlock impacted sites by assisting the safe, responsible and sustainable construction that delivers resilience and positive change for coalfield communities and can help to ensure the development management process is not delayed by coal mining legacy.

Download our Pre-application Advice Service booklet

    Initial information

    Does the enquiry relate to a site/development or location which has been the subject of a previous pre-application advice from the Coal Authority?

    If no, would you like an initial meeting?

    Does your enquiry relate to an NSIP?

    Is your enquiry related only to determining if a Coal Mining Risk Assessment required for a proposed development?

    Does the development/scheme proposal have an existing relevant planning application reference?

    Further details

    Nature of pre-application

    Please identify the nature of the pre-application advice to which your enquiry relates:

    If other, please describe. Alternatively please provide a further description of your enquiry/request.

    Response preference

    In what form would you expect us to respond to your enquiry? Please indicate all that are relevant.

    Your contact details

    These details will be used for any quotations.

    Client contact details (if different)

    Site details

    File uploads

    Please note that all files have a maximum file size of 20Mb.
    Accepted file types: PDF, JPG, PNG, DOC, XLS.

    Mandatory: please provide an Ordnance Survey based location plan/s to an appropriate scale showing the boundary of the site within its local context.

    Optional: technical notes or statements necessary to inform discussions and explain/justify your design principles or proposals.

    Optional: please provide a development plan showing the layout of the proposed scheme of construction within the context of the site boundary, (if a specific or indicative layout is proposed).

    Optional: designs, drawings including supporting calculations (for engineering appraisal submissions check compliance with Coal Authority Technical Guidance Note TGN02/2021).

    Optional: a copy of the relevant decision notice and any specific planning conditions, if your enquiry relates to planning matters.

    Optional: a copy of information required for the review and/or updating of the national coal mining database.

    Optional: please provide a copy of any Coal Mining Risk Assessment or any related reporting prepared relevant to your enquiry.


    Please provide any additional information

    Any submission must adhere to the Freedom of Information act, further details can be found here.

    Terms of service


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