MineSights external testing

Tell us what you think

We would like to invite you to help test our new online system for accessing our historical archive of coal mining related information. Before you decide if you would like to take part, we’d like you to understand why the testing is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read the following information carefully and decide if you want to be involved. Ask us questions if anything is not clear or if you would like more information.

Who we are and what the study is about

In our work to make a better future for people and the environment in mining areas, the Coal Authority has collected a large archive of historical mine plans and photographs. We are currently developing a new website to provide access to this unique collection for anyone who is interested.

We would like you to try out this service and tell us what you think. Finding out about your experience will help us understand how we could improve it and make it more user friendly.

What taking part will involve

  • you can have a look at the website in your own time and reply using a feedback form that we provide, or you can opt to take part through a Zoom call (let us know if you would prefer not to have this recorded)
  • we will contact you to arrange a time for you to access the application and provide you with a link
  • you will be given some instructions and tasks, but are encouraged to explore the website however you want to and give open, honest feedback
  • please do not share the link to the website or any of the images or data within it

Why we have invited you to take part

We believe that you will be able provide valuable feedback on how we could provide this service to people outside our organisation.

You don’t have to take part

Participation is voluntary and you have the right to refuse participation, refuse any question and withdraw at any time.

Your details are confidential

Your name and any personal details will be kept confidential. Nothing that can personally identify you will be published. Non-anonymised data in the form of signed consent forms will be collected and retained as part of the process.

How the information you provide will be recorded, stored and protected

Your feedback, including Zoom recordings if applicable, will be stored securely. Our design team will review the feedback so they can improve the product. Your feedback will not be shared outside our company.

Data about you will be held securely, handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, and disposed of in line with our retention policy.