Using mine water

In order to understand market interest in the mine water we pump and treat, we advertised we were seeking to engage with companies who may want to purchase it. From this, we received a number of expressions of interest, including one to purchase water from one of our largest mine water treatment schemes in Scotland.

Through extensive engagement and joint working we gained valuable insight into the water sales market, the opportunities and challenges, and the part mine water can play in UK water sustainability. This included how water could be used locally but also how it could help address regional water scarcity or offset the uses of potable water for non-drinking purposes.

Although we have not yet concluded sales, we have developed parameters for retailing mine water to allow us to move quickly when opportunities arise. Later this year we will publish the water flows of our schemes to allow potential users to more easily see what and where water opportunities exist.

How we treat coal mine water

Our mine water treatment scheme locations

The locations of our mine water treatment schemes can be seen on the map below. 

Click on a site to find out what the average water flow rate is for the site and whether the water is pumped or not.

If you would like to know more about this innovative approach to using mine water, please contact us