Consultantscoal mining report

Non-residential report starting from £134.58

Designed by environmental consultants and geotechnical engineers, the report provides essential data and guidance on historic coal mining activity and the potential issues that could affect your client’s site and its surrounding area.

The report pinpoints significant past activity or coal mining legacy management, which could have a significant impact on your client’s site.

We are uniquely placed to provide follow on reports and consultancy to assist in managing your client’s site.

Why you need it

Some consultants use the CON29M screening report as a basis for building their risk assessment.

While this provides an initial understanding of coal mining impacts, it does not meet the requirements of a more detailed geotechnical analysis and site history for your developer clients.

Being able to characterise the site and its surrounding area means more context, improved visualisation and better risk assessment.

Recommended reports

View a full list of all our additional follow-on reports