Mine EntryInterpretive report

Residential report starting from £175.58

Buildings located in coal mining areas are subject to a risk of coal mining subsidence.

This ground movement can be caused by problems with entrances to previous coal mines, known as shafts and adits.

This report studies the position of mine entries identified in our residential mining reports, the diameters and the thickness of geological deposits above rockhead to provide a risk assessment on the potential for any ground movement.

Specific details are provided on all mine entries within a property boundary and within 20m, this includes any records on the information source for the entry, dimensions, treatment details, names and date abandoned.

Why you need it

Our Mine Entry Interpretive report can provide peace of mind to clients, insurers and lenders by assessing the risk of the mine entry causing damage to an established residential building and ensuring that they understand the remedies available.

What’s included

Each report will include any information available for the following:

  • specific details for mine entries
  • a risk assessment on the property
  • remedies available for damage
  • a conclusive statement of risk
  • OS map showing position/s of mine entries
  • details on mine entries within 20m
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