Mining Remediation Authority reports

Our reports are based on our unique database of coal mining information. Our experts can provide information on past, present and future coal mining activities for any property or site in Britain.

We specialise in providing information for everything from residential and non-residential property transactions to land development, supporting all the key industry sectors including conveyancers, geotechnical and environmental consultants, search providers and homebuyers.

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Residential reports

CON29M coal mining report

Our official CON29M is the industry leading report for the conveyancing market as it details key coal mining risks when handling residential property transactions.

from £41.95
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Con29M coal mining report (Scotland)

Trusted by legal professionals, insurers, property professionals and all major lenders across Scotland, our CON29M reports offer the highest level of confidence.

from £41.95
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Enviro All-in-One report

Our Enviro All-in-One is a fully integrated residential environmental risk report that combines our industry leading official CON29M with the Homebuyers Plus report.

from £65.09
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Ground Stability report

Our Ground Stability report combines our industry leading official CON29M with data from the British Geological Survey (BGS).

from £54.97
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Mine Entry Interpretive Report

This report studies the position of mine entries identified, the diameters and the thickness of geological deposits above rockhead to provide a risk assessment.

from £146.32
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Subsidence Claims reports

Our Subsidence Claims Search is designed to support both property and land transactions.

from £22.60
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Hazard Incident reports

Our Surface Hazard Incident report is an exclusive, tailored report on the specific details of a surface hazard which has been treated by the Coal Authority’s public safety team.

from £133.39
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No Search Certificate

Our No Search Certificate is a formal document designed to give peace of mind that a property is not within an area affected by coal mine workings.

from £26.18
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Non-residential reports

CON29M coal mining report

Our industry leading official CON29M conveyancing product. It identifies and interprets coal mining risks for clients purchasing non-residential properties.

from £99.50
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Enviro All-in-One report

Our Enviro All-in-One report combines our industry leading official CON29M with the screening report from Groundsure.

from £164.84
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Ground Stability report

Our Ground Stability report is the only BGS report combined with our official CON29M, coal mining related, Law Society approved conveyancing product.

from £158.38
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Consultants coal mining report

Designed by environmental consultants and geotechnical engineers, the report provides essential data and guidance on historic coal mining activity and the potential issues that could affect your client’s site.

from £134.58
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Mine Entry Plan & Data sheets

This report studies the position of mine entries identified in our non-residential mining reports to provide a risk assessment on the potential for any ground movement.

from £66.68
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No Search Certificate

With the coalfield covering 11% of Britain, and with a proportion of the coal mining activity being unrecorded, it’s important to safeguard customers against any potential hidden risks impacting their property.

from £26.18
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Subsidence Claims reports

Our Subsidence Claims Search gives peace of mind to clients purchasing a residential property or a piece of land.

from £195.69
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Hazard Incident reports

If a treated coal mining related hazard is identified in our CON29M, GroundStability or Enviro All-in-One report within a property boundary, the Surface Hazard Incident report provides details on the incident from our unique archive.

from £133.39
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