Camberwell Drive update: May 2023

This fact sheet provides information about the recent ground collapse at the grassed verge on Camberwell Drive where we are currently carrying out investigation work.

Ground Investigations

As mentioned in our previous newsletter, we are aware of a recorded mine entry in this area. Our
initial investigation confirmed the presence of this mine shaft which has caused this ground
collapse. We have been monitoring the ground around the mineshaft for the past 12 months and in
that time there has been no further ground movement. Our records confirm that the collapsed
mineshaft is nearly 400 metres in depth and there are 50 metres of ground material above the
mineshaft. We also know there is another mine shaft approximately 20 metres away in the grassed
area which is why we have fenced a large area. The area inside the fencing is classified as our
exclusion zone and although it is highly unlikely, material may fall in to the mineshaft if there was
further movement of the mineshaft.

Remediation options

Tameside council have proposed a plan to remediate the area. This consists of fencing around the
area of the mineshaft. Whilst we support this potential proposal, we would want the fencing to be
higher to make sure there is no access to the exclusion zone area. We would reinstate the footpath
around the outside of the fencing around the exclusion zone. This higher fencing option will need
to be discussed with local councillors for their agreement. We are conscious that any fencing
should be aesthetically pleasing to residents and will ensure that local residents are consulted by
the council before any reinstatement works begin.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are grateful for your support and patience.

Key contacts

Please contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss. The reference number for this project is P-041629.

Customer Services Team

If you have any questions about our work please call our customer services team on 0345 762 6848 or 01623 637 000 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or email us at

To report an emergency, please contact: 0800 288 4242 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) For more information about the Coal Authority, please visit