Camberwell Drive update: January 2024 (Q&A)

Proposed solution, permeation grouting

(As presented at the meeting on 18 January 2024 – download presentation)

Question(s) Answer
  • What happened to the original fill (when the estate was built in the 1980s) and why is it having to be re-done?
We do not know what caused the collapse, as we have previously said. The grout that was placed in the 1980s will still be in situ and will remain there as part of the proposed works.
  • Why is putting more stone in the shaft not an option?
The stone that we have already placed in the shaft has not moved. We need to carry out additional works above the placement of the stone to make the area safe and to be able to remove the fence.
  • Will the stone that the Coal Authority has already put into the shaft have to be removed?
We will only remove the top section to allow us to install the geogrid. This is a special plastic mesh to reinforce the ground. The majority of the stone placed in the shaft will remain there.
  • What are the chances of another shaft collapse on the estate?
  • Does the 3rd shaft affect anyone’s property?
There are three mine entries in the local area, two of which are located in the green and will be treated as part of our works. The remaining shaft is located in the fields and we do not expect this to affect anyone’s property. The link below takes you to an image taken from our mapping system which shows their location. You can access a copy of the map here. These shafts can also be viewed on our Interactive Map Viewer
  • Will the work cause other collapses/ damage to properties?
  • Apart from the houses close to the collapse, will there be any subsidence to other houses?
  • Will you provide vibration monitoring further away from the works?

We do not expect the works to cause damage to properties. We will monitor the ground during the works. We will also inspect the properties closest to the works before and after the works.

The workings under the estate are deep and old and there should be no coal mining subsidence to other houses.

We will install vibration monitoring at the perimeter of the works. We will work with the consultant and contractor to identify if other monitoring is required, however this is not anticipated.

  • Will there be any delays that will stop work starting in August 2024?
  • Will the utilities work delay things?
We will work closely with Tameside Council and utility providers to ensure that we can achieve our start date for the works. Some large-scale projects can experience delays due to the coordination of utility service providers. We recognise that this will be a concern for residents. We will do our utmost to inform residents of potential delays to this timeframe as soon as possible.

Concerns about property prices and sales

Question(s) Answer
  • Do mortgage companies recognise the works and will they still lend (purchases and re-mortgages)?
  • How will it affect the value of house prices?

In our experience mortgage lenders will be satisfied with the work carried out to repair the mine shaft and up to date treatment details. Mortgage lenders can obtain this information during the purchase or re-mortgage of a property.

Our experience shows that work carried out by the Coal Authority does not affect house prices, but we cannot provide any guarantee of this.

In terms of future property values in general, it’s important to note there are many factors that influence the value of property, not just the proposed solutions to address the mine shaft collapse.

We engage with the lending industry and estate agents and we will be happy to support homeowners trying to sell by speaking to lenders and estate agents to provide reassurance

  • Will the work affect future insurance premiums?
  • Can you guarantee there will be no effect on future insurance premiums?

We recognise that potential increases to your insurance premiums are a concern.

We do not expect the work to repair the mine shaft to have an impact on insurance premiums. Insurance providers recognise that coal mining subsidence is managed by the Coal Authority under the Coal Mining Subsidence Act 1991, as amended by the Coal Industry Act 1994.

Although we cannot guarantee that there will not be an increase in your premium, there is no reason that this should happen as a result of a shaft collapse.

Contact us

Please contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss. The reference number for this project is P-041629.

Customer Services Team

If you have any questions about our work please call our customer services team on 0345 762 6848 or 01623 637 000 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or email us at

To report an emergency, please contact: 0800 288 4242 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) For more information about the Coal Authority, please visit

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